Age-related macular degeneration, or AMD, is an ocular disease which presents with cellular dysfunction in the macula resulting in loss of photoreceptor cells and significant visual impairment. Initially, the sharp, central vision is impacted but the progression of the disease can lead to complete blindness. There are two forms of the disease: the dry and wet forms. AMD starts with the dry form characterized by protein deposits called drusen that form on the retina (beneath the macula) causing degeneration of the cells over time. As the disease progresses, about 10% of patients show the development of abnormal blood vessels that grow in the back of the eye. This is known as wet AMD.

Approximately 85-90% have the dry form, 10-15% have the wet form. Valeda is the first and only FDA-authorized treatment for dry AMD that improves vision. Until now, the only options for dry AMD patients were lifestyle changes and vitamin supplementation.


AMD and the Importance of Eye Exams

The earlier AMD is diagnosed and monitored by an eye care professional, the better the results will be in treating the disease. An eyecare professional can determine how frequently patients need to be seen for check-ups and treatments based on each patient’s unique vision health and family history.